Make disciples and share the gospel.


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Find gatherings near you

Use our Gathering of Nomads app to make connections and attend gatherings wherever you are.

Nomads Nearby

Find fellow travelers in your vicinity with our real-time geolocation feature.


Join or host gatherings. Share experiences, stories, and connect in person.

Church Discovery

Explore local churches in your area, fostering spiritual growth and community.

Profile Customization

Create your unique nomad profile, share your travel style, and control your visibility.

Intuitive Gatherings Search

Search and Filter nearby gatherings through an intuitive list view.

Gathering of Nomads is more than just an app; it's a community. Designed for travelers who seek connection and community, our platform offers a unique way to find and create gatherings, connect with local churches, and meet like-minded individuals on the go. Whether you're a full-time traveler or just exploring for a while, Gathering of Nomads brings the community to you, wherever your journey takes you.

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